What is the price of time registration?

The price of time registration software depends on different factors, but mainly on the amount of employees from an organization. Do you want to have a customized offer? Please contact us.

Is an integration of time registration possible in my payroll provider/system?

With the time registration software of Protime, there is always an integration possible with the payroll provider.

How to choose the right time registration tool?

There are many companies that offer time registration. It can be difficult to choose among them. Protime is market leader in the Benelux and is therefore a proven good partner. If you are interested in our products, we can give a demo without any obligations.

How can I implement time registration?

Time registration software requires a customized implementation, as each company has its own rules. A Protime consultant ensures a flawless implementation, so that the organisation can get started right away.

How to invite/activate a new employee in myProtime? [HR admin]

Giving an employee access to myProtime can be done by sending him/her a activation email. The employee can then create his/her account by clicking on the button in this activation email and setting a password.

Inviting the employee is the last step in the procedure to adding a new employee in myProtime.


How to add a new employee in myProtime? [HR admin]

When a new employee joins the company, they have access to myProtime via the procedure below. The new employee must first be added in ProTime. Only then are they visible on myProtime and the steps can be executed.

How? Follow these steps

How to log in and out correctly of Protime Premium [HR admin]

Our Protime Premium tools are available via the internet browser, but just closing the browser at the end of the day is not enough. Sometimes problems occur afterwards because you open a new active session over an incorrectly closed session. If one of the following problems occurs, you should reset the connection to the Protime Premium environment:

  • The Y and/or Z drive have disappeared.
  • A black screen appears after clicking on a Protime Premium module.
  • The bar at the bottom with the active Protime Premium modules and export/import/copy button has disappeared.

Resetting the connection means closing the Protime Premium environment correctly (logging out) and opening it again (logging in).

We recommend always logging out in the manner described below instead of simply closing the browser. This way, the above mentioned problems will not occur anymore.

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How to use myProtime on a smartphone?

myProtime can be used on desktop, tablet and smartphone. You do not need to install an app to use it on your smartphone. You won't find myProtime in the app store.

For easy access to myProtime, enter the myProtime website of your company (example: companyname.myprotime.eu) in an internet browser and add it as a shortcut to the home screen. This way, you can quickly find myProtime among your other apps.

Moreover, as a mobile page, myProtime is always up to date and equipped with the latest features. So you do not need to perform any updates.

How to add myProtime to your mobile

How to log in to myProtime as an employee?

myProtime can be used on desktop, tablet and smartphone . For use on desktop, enter the myProtime website of your company (example: companyname.myprotime.euin an internet browser.

Moreover, myProtime is always up to date and provided with the latest functionalities. So you do not need to perform any updates.

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What are the advantages of time registration?

There are many advantages of time registration. When you have a tool like myProtime for time registration, the advantages for the company, HR and teamleaders are: less manual errors, increased productivity and profitability, fast and easy team management, easy and reliable data insights, a clear view of your team's presence and a work-life balance monitor.

For employees the advantages of a time registration tool are: insight in their working hours, easy to use, a clear overview of your absences and entitlements and the possibility to maintain a better work-life balance. But, there are many more advantages. Check all the benefits for employees, Human Resources, teamleaders and management.